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Cashpower Suprima – a powerful, integrated prepayment vending solution

To meet the variety of needs in markets around the world, Suprima provides multilingual user interface architecture, as well as the capability to support custom tariff structures. This adaptability and flexibility makes prepayment electricity systems a reality in any electricity tariff environment where Suprima is deployed. Designed using common international best practices, Suprima incorporates practical design innovations resulting from over 15 years of Landis+Gyr field experience in this market. The result is a robust and scalable product.

Suprima is designed to optimally utilise the Microsoft Windows operating system environment and resources. It offers multi-threaded operation, allowing background system monitoring for data integrity and operating reliability. For example, tasks such as printing a report, merging data into the database and vending credit vouchers, can be performed simultaneously. The software design allows for an extremely high level of flexibility, remote maintenance and customisation of software modules.

Flexibility, scalability and open standards

Cashpower Suprima, which is fully STS compliant, provides an optional thin-client architecture that is designed to support the vending of prepayment electricity using Electronic Funds Transfer Point-of-Sale terminals and other front-end solutions offered by third-party vendors. Launched in 2001, this ground-breaking functionality is extensively used both internationally and locally, and has been the forerunner of newly emerging international standards. Within this architecture, Suprima's e-Vend management capability offers a cost-effective means of providing remote prepayment electricity offices with management capability over lower bandwidth networks, which extends the power and application of the on-line vending system option.

Suprima interfaces with major database applications such as Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server. Various combinations of these database types can be combined in systems that require a mix of cost-effective off-line units in remote districts, with powerful on-line transaction vending options in communication-rich metropolitan regions. In addition, Suprima provides an External Systems Interface Framework, which facilitates integration of the customer's existing billing and financial systems business processes with Suprima, delivering superior operational efficiency gains. The design philosophy behind Cashpower Suprima is focused on flexibility, scalability and open standards and this makes Suprima a first choice for integration with any existing infrastructure in a wide range of global markets where simple or complex service tariffs are entrenched via legislation.

For more information on Suprima and other Suprima products such as e-Vend, e-Management Xpress, Powervend II Point-of-Sale, Cell Phone Vending or SMS Text Vending and Scratch Cards, contact:

Dave Tarr (Product Manager)
E-mail: info@za.landisgyr.com