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MMS for Moldova

The deal, worth 15 million US dollars, was announced in June and is part of the Energy II Project for upgrade of the electricity system in Moldova, which is financed by the World Bank.

The tender was awarded to the power and technology group ABB, with Landis+Gyr as the supplier of the MMS system. Landis+Gyr also delivered meters for the same project in an earlier phase in January 2006.

Project details
The project comprises the installation and configuration of a MMS in a redundant configuration (production and standby system) based on Landis+Gyr Converge. The system will perform daily data acquisition of the installed meter base (mostly Landis+Gyr meters) using the communication technologies TCP/IP, GSM/GPRS and CDMA. It will also deliver metering values to the SCADA system of ABB.