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Colorado Springs Utilities Selects Landis+Gyr for Advanced Load Management Program

ATLANTA, GA. – Feb. 11, 2014 – Colorado Springs Utilities has signed an agreement with Landis+Gyr to initiate an advanced load management program to reduce load on distribution system assets during peak power consumption.

Over the next four years, the utility will deploy 1,900 smart thermostats and software applications to enable load shedding on specific feeder circuits to protect transformers and other distribution equipment, while maintaining reliable electric service.

The smart thermostats are equipped with Gridstream® communications technology and will utilize the utility’s existing smart grid network to communicate with sophisticated load management software. During peak power events, the software will use accurate load information to determine the number of customer thermostats to control. If a customer opts out of a control period, the software automatically adjusts to find replacement load curtailment to ensure load shedding requirements are met. Consumers who participate in the program will have access to a mobile device application to monitor thermostat settings and make decisions about participation during a peak event.

“This is a unique application of load management technology because our main objective is managing our distribution infrastructure during peak, as opposed to dealing with supply constraints,” said Angie Thoma, Smart Grid Project Manager at Colorado Springs Utilities. “The smart thermostat option provides greater flexibility and extends the value of our existing smart grid infrastructure beyond meter reading. The available consumer engagement tools also play an important role in promoting the program’s success.”

This program is an extension of Colorado Springs Utilities’ smart grid relationship with Landis+Gyr that began in 2005 with deployment of a Gridstream advanced metering network to communicate with electric, water and gas meters. In addition, Landis+Gyr provides cloud services for data and software hosting, as well as maintenance of network assets as part of a long-term services contract with the utility.

“This is an excellent example of the added benefits utilities are realizing from advanced metering infrastructure,” said Prasanna Venkatesan, Landis+Gyr’s Executive Vice President for the Americas. “The foundation is there to address challenges like distribution infrastructure capacity in a creative and efficient way.”

Located at the base of Pikes Peak on the front range of the Colorado Rockies, Colorado Springs Utilities is the fourth largest four-service utility company in the United States with more than 600,000 combined metered customers.

About Landis+Gyr
Landis+Gyr is the leading global provider of integrated energy management products tailored to energy company needs and unique in its ability to deliver true end-to-end advanced metering solutions. Today, the Company offers the broadest portfolio of products and services in the electricity metering industry, and is paving the way for the next generation of smart grid.  With annualized sales of more than US$1.6 billion, Landis+Gyr, an independent growth platform of the Toshiba Corporation (TKY:6502) and 40% owned by the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan, operates in 30 countries across five continents, and employs 5,200 people with the sole mission of helping the world manage energy better. More information is available at landisgyr.com.

About Colorado Springs Utilities
Colorado Springs Utilities is a community-owned utility that provides electric, natural gas, water and wastewater services to customers in the Pikes Peak Region. Through local ownership, customers have for 90 years benefitted from lower prices, higher reliability, a voice in decisions and service tailored to their needs. With the installation of its advanced metering network, Colorado Springs Utilities captures information for more than a half million meters every day. Using this technology, the utility expects to save more than $117 million through the year 2025.

MEDIA CONTACT:             

Dan Jacobson