Calculator for all heating and cooling applications. The all-rounder with a clear structure. Läs mer
Calculator for all heating and cooling applications
The all-rounder with a clear structure
The ULTRAHEAT®T550 (UC50…) calculator is a real all-rounder. It was specifically designed for different applications of heating and cooling measurement. Additional features allow also using it as a multi-tariff or a glycol meter*. *(only acc. EN1434, not calibrated)
More ordering options – more potential applications
The T550 (UC50…) can be used as a non-calibrated calculator (acc. EN 1434) for determination of heat-/cold flow volume of liquid mixtures (e.g. glycol/ water). On this order option density and enthalpy correction are in progress analog to water for a defined liquid mixture. A customer specific adjustment can be done easily with the service software locally.
Intelligent calculator
Alternatively the calculator can be used with battery (standard) or power supply unit. Independently the calculator detects which type of power supply is used and switches automatically to the corresponding temperature measuring cycles from 30 sec to 4 sec (if main supply is used). The life-time of battery is displayed on the faceplate of the calculator with a new symbol. Comparable to the T550 (UH50…) the super cap in mains modules bridges power failure up to 20 minutes.
- Passive pulse output
- Simple 2-button operation
- Logbook included as standard
- Battery life-time up to 16 years
- Power supply units available)
- Optical interface acc. EN 62056-21:2002
- Two slots for communication modules
- Allows data from 60 preceding month to be read
- Wealth of tariff-functions
- Data logger for system monitoring
- Special register for volume with energy calculation
- Reset of fault time
- Display of installation faults
- Register for the number of pulses
- Display of 60 monthly values
- Asien-Stillahavsområdet
- Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika